quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2008

"Technology Day" na Vrije Universiteit Brussel

No dia 18 de Setembro a Universidade de Vrije, em Bruxelas, realizará o "TECHNOLOGY DAY", onde se proporão temas de grande importância como as alternativas "3R ", ou seja novas metodologias para substituição (replace), redução e refinamento dos testes em animais.
A proposta é de aproximar as indústrias do mundo acadêmico e oferecer colaborações entre as partes. A oportunidade é excelente.
Quem me escreve é a Prof.a Vera Rogiers, responsável pela organização do curso.
O site para inscrições e contatos é:

Abaixo segue os temas, palestrantes e horários:

New scientific impulses towards
3R Alternatives - Methods to replace,
reduce and refine animal use
Stimulating research collaborations between industry and university

Thursday September 18th, 2008

09.45: Registration & Coffee

10.15: Welcome & introduction by Prof. Jan Cornelis, Vice-rector Research VUB

10.30: The use of microdialysis in drug discovery & development by Prof. Ilse Smolders, Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Analysis and Drug Information, VUB

10.45: Small animal molecular imaging in preclinical research by Prof. Tony Lahoutte, Department of Nuclear Medicine,
UZ Brussel

11.00: Coffee break

11.15: Stabilisation of functional hepatocytes in culture by epigenetic modification(s) by Prof. Tamara Vanhaecke,
Department of Toxicology, Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, VUB

11.30: Use of in vitro systems to develop antifibrogenic drugs by Prof. Albert Geerts, Department of Cell Biology &
Histology, VUB

11.45: Production of functional hepatocytes by mimicking the liver embryogenesis in vivo: an innovative in vitro
technology by Dr. Sarah Snykers, Department of Toxicology, Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, VUB

12.00: Round table and question time moderated by Prof. Vera Rogiers, Chairperson of ecopa, Department of Toxicology,
Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, VUB, and Dr. Bernward Garthoff, Co-chair of epaa, Crop Protection and
Bioscience, Bayer AG

12.30: Walking Lunch

14.00: Human embryonic stem cells: possible uses and ongoing research at the VUB by Prof. Karen Sermon, Department
of Embryology and Genetics, VUB

14.15: Predicting effects of endocrine disruptors on the ovary and the oocyte by the in vitro approach by Drs Sandy Lenie,
Centre for Reproductive Medicine, UZ Brussel

14.30: Human gametes and embryos: balance between research and respect by Prof. Josiane Van der Elst,
Centre for Reproductive Medicine, UZ Brussel

14.45: Coffee break

15.00: In vitro cell culture assays for screening of potential Antipicornavirus compounds by Prof. Bart Rombaut, Department
of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, VUB

15.15: Alternative host models to investigate the pathogenicity and virulence of the opportunistic pathogen
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by Prof. Pierre Cornelis, Department of Microbial Interactions, VUB

15.30: Chromatographic and chemometric approaches to evaluate and predict membrane passage of drug molecules
by Prof. Yvan Vander Heyden, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, VUB

15.45: Round table and question time moderated by Prof. Vera Rogiers, Chairperson of ecopa, Department of Toxicology,
Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, VUB
and Dr. Philippe Vanparys, Managing Director of CARDAM (VITO, Belgium)

16.15: Reception & networking

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