21/08/2007 21:43 - publicado por Sandra Goraieb [ Alterar ] [ Excluir ] Asbestos e outras bestas...
Asbestos de amianto sempre foram materiais considerados de risco para mesotelioma pleural, mas uma liminar concedida pelo STJ de São Paulo liberou o uso de um determinado tipo de amianto (crisotita) que na literatura se demonstrou menos danoso que os anteriores.
O abstract que se segue foi publicado no Current Opinion on Pulmonary Medicine pelo grupo da Universidade de Princeton que acentua a diferenciação entre os diversos tipos de asbestos:
Yarborough CM.The risk of mesothelioma from exposure to chrysotile asbestos. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2007 Jul;13(4):334-8
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review assesses the risk of developing diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura from exposures to chrysotile fibers and contrasts it with the known risk of amphibole asbestos. RECENT FINDINGS: Although a rare cancer, the mortality rates of pleural mesothelioma continue to be significantly elevated because of past occupational exposures to airborne asbestos fibers. New analyses of occupational epidemiologic studies for highly exposed workers show a substantially lower potency and suggest an empiric threshold for chrysotile compared with amphibole asbestos. Important kinetic and pathological differences between chrysotile and amphiboles have been substantiated that support chrysotile's impotency in causing pleural mesothelioma. SUMMARY: Excess risk of pleural mesothelioma from past exposures to asbestos, as evidenced by a trend of high incidence rates during the last half century, appears to be the result of nonchrysotile asbestiform fibers. Although scientific efforts and legal arguments continue, the risk of pleural mesothelioma in human populations is probably negligible for exposures to airborne chrysotile asbestos that is not known to be contaminated by amphibole. This distinction for asbestos fiber types is pivotal for understanding hazards and characterizing risks of continued use of natural chrysotile asbestos today and also new nanofibers.
Enquanto isso a China continua criando problemas, agora na Nova Zelândia que apresentou queixa contra tecidos tóxicos provenientes daquele país. A China diz que todo este alarde é só um novo protecionismo.
A questão está só em descobrir se se está protegendo o mercado ou os cidadãos.
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