Para discutir "body burden", disruptores hormonais, contaminação química ambiental e outras "cositas más"... Para desabafar, falar da vida, de qualidade de vida, de sobrevivência. Para falar de beleza, de limpeza,de saúde, de futuro com quem realmente se importa.
quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012
Vaga para pesquisador!
Atenção Mestres em Ciências em TOXICOLOGIA! Recebi este e-mail para divulgação. O texto é o que se segue:
Dear colleague,
At the Institute for Environmental Studies of the VU University in Amsterdam there is a vacancy for a PhD student on the topic of ŒMiniaturization of in vitro bioassays for high throughput Effect-Directed Analysis¹, see attached document for more information.
We¹re looking for a candidate with a MSc degree in molecular sciences (biochemistry, molecular biology, or toxicology) with an affinity for analytical chemistry.
Would you please be so kind to forward this advertisement to anyone who may be interested?
Thank you very much,
Timo Hamers
Marja Lamoree
Senior Researcher Analytical Chemistry
Institute for Environmental Studies - Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW)
VU University Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1085 (visiting address)
De Boelelaan 1087 (postal address)
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t + 31 (0)20 59 89573
f + 31 (0)20 59 89553
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